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The Embodied Breath: a rebirthing breathwork & cacao journey 

Join our lead expert coach and founder, Kanwal Jehan of GrowthSpire in this powerful masterclass, where she guides you on a 3 hr journey towards balance, fulfillment, and freedom from within.

Don't miss out on this special event. ONLY 20 SPOTS AVAILABLE!!


  • Release energy blockages, chronic stress, anxiety and trauma from the body
  • Heal your past traumas, childhood wounds and suppressed emotions
  • Connect to your emotions such as anger, guilt, shame, sadness, joy, excitement, ecstasy, peace and more
  • Fully step into your purpose and share your medicine with the world
  • Open up your heart through the art of forgiveness and self-acceptance
  • Learn to manifest your dream life by healing your past and rewiring your subconscious


  • Opening Circle
    • Intro to the art of intention setting, rebirthing breathwork and embodiment
  • 30 mins Cacao Ceremony with heart opening meditation
  • 1 hr rebirthing breathwork journey:
    • 15 mins warm-up exercises 
    • 45 mins rebirthing breath journey
  • 30 mins integration:
    • journal prompts and coaching guidance
  • Closing Circle
  • Get grounded with food
    • Appetizers (light vegan food) 
  • Networking and connect w the community

Are You Ready To Heal Your Past & Reclaim Your Power?




I am on a mission to teach people how to transition into their purpose and make money doing what they love. 

Honestly, it's not until I did deep healing work, especially embodiment practices such as rebirthing breathwork and embracing my feminine through tantra that I was able to fully embody my purpose.

I have transitioned successfully into multiple careers easily and smoothly; exploring, experimenting and sharing my medicine with different communities around the world:

  1. I transitioned from corporate law into the NY startup world in less than 3 months without any experience.
  2. I manifested over $150k+ in 6 months working for a tech company doing what I love. 
  3. When I wanted to leave tech, I started my coaching company while working full-time. 
  4. I manifested living on an island in Thailand for 2 years during covid (how amazing is that?)
  5. I attracted by my dream partner in less than 2 weeks of asking mama universe for him.

and so much more..

I am proud of the dream life I have created for myself and I'd love to show you how to do the same.

Let's get started!


Jenna Davi, Thailand

“Amazing! Kanwal is a talented space holder, giving room for personal growth and reflection but also a safe vessel to connect beautifully with all the other sisters involved.

I felt free to be myself, be vulnerable, be bold, be beautiful, connect with my shadows and put it all on the table knowing Kanwal would be there to help and guide me wherever I am in my process.

Thank you, Goddess!”

– Jenna Davi

Tiffany Taylor, Miami

“Kanwal deeply understands the psychology behind success and hustle-culture and she perfectly nurtures that mindset with the mindset and meditations she offers.

Kanwal was able to totally transform the energy in the room, allowing each attendee to feel an inner peace that some said they hadn’t felt in weeks. I got many messages of gratitude for bringing her in after my events. If you have the chance to experience her coaching, don’t miss it.

As a Productivity Coach, I couldn’t recommend working with her more!”

– Tiffany Taylor


Freya Savage, Bali

“Had so much fun in Kanwal’s workshop…

I gained clarity on the ideas that were important to me and what was taking up space.

She worked through a simple strategy for digging into the idea in a concise way in order to see all the working parts and take action on it!…

Plus her energy is amazing and just a total joy to be around…recommend 100 times over.”

– Freya Sava


REBIRTHING BREATHWORK is a simple yet powerful conscious breathing technique.

It is the most powerful tool for releasing old trauma, conditioning and negative patterns, that I have ever found. It can sometimes bring about healing in physical body as well, as both the energy body and physical are closely connected.

Many people say that Rebirthing is the most powerful transformative experience of their lives. Often unexpected magical insights occur during sessions that bring about rapid change in one’s life.

It can also help:

  • Release old negative behaviour patterns, and subconscious belief systems

  • Heal old emotional wounds and traumas

  • Connects you with your deepest inner truth, with your divine nature

  • Boosts confidence and awareness, and trust in yourself

  • Brings you to a deep inner peace

  • Clears and energises one's Chakras and energy system

Rebirthing is a journey towards freedom but the obstacles to freedom are many and varied and it is these obstacles that propel people into seeking rebirthing.

They may include:

  • relationship difficulties or patterns that keep repeating themselves in every relationship

  • not knowing who you are and what you want

  • not living up to your potential

  • feeling trapped in a way of being, stressed out by efforts to please others.

  • stress

  • job-related problems

  • depression

  • anxiety, panic attacks, phobias

  • shyness and low self-esteem, lack of confidence

  • general unhappiness with what seems like every aspect of your life

  • an inability to feel

  • abuse

  • simply wanting to get to know yourself better and enjoy life more

 How does it work?

  • The breath acts as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious, between the mind and the body. As you breathe deeply you increase the level of Pranic or Chi energy in your system. Eventually this energy increases to a level where it will start to push out any energetic blockages. These are usually caused by traumas, emotions, conditioning & programming.

  • Rebirthing works on the principle that there is a direct connection between mental, physical and energetic bodies. When we clear out any blockages from the energy system, this directly effects our mental and physical well being . Relaxing and releasing the breath dissolves tension in both the body and the mind.

 How is it done?

  • We explore issues you want to work with, and any past trauma or condition, that you may want to release. And look at tools you can use during the breathwork session.

  • You then begin the conscious breathing session which is usually done lying down. You learn to consciously connect your breath so that there are no pauses between the inhale and the exhale.

  • The breathing is full and also relaxed. Slowly you are guided to find your own rhythm, probably slightly faster and fuller than you are used to.

  • The Rebirther, may work with the issues that surfaces, or may just allow, the process to release it.

  • The active breathing session lasts approximately 1 hour.

  • An integration or relaxation phase of 20 to 30 minutes, completes this part of the session.

  • In total, a group session takes 2 hours and a private rebirthing session takes approximately around 3 to 4 hours, so please allow for that much time.

Are You Ready To Heal Your Past & Reclaim Your Power?



Christina Wilson, Los Angeles

“Kanwal has been instrumental in my own journey of spiritual growth and self discovery.

She is really able to find your gifts and bring them out and help you face the mirror of your own shortcomings. She helps ideate your goals and paths towards them. She helps you in envisioning your future-self in a clear way.

She has really helped me decide what my journey is and help me walk that path towards it. She is a very loving person and naturally warm. It's really powerful to have someone in your life who can be truly honest with you.

I am very grateful for your mentorship Kanwal!

– Christina Wilson

Ali Chopra, New York

“Kanwal is an incredible coach, who is extremely intuitive, generous and kind. In my first three sessions with her, I started to see the changes I wanted in my life. I could feel the blockages removed and the universe pushing out the things I no longer needed in my life. 

Things that needed priority like my career and leg injury recovery were expedited. Now, I am moving towards taking care of my body and removing toxins so I can reach spiritual alignment and peace.

I highly recommend her!”

– Ali Chopra


Sarah Durlacher, New Zealand

“I went into my coaching session with Kanwal very open to the experience, as I have been exploring new avenues to deepen my mediation and spiritual practice. 🧘‍♀️ For me it was a beautiful, relaxing, meditative, healing session and I left feeling energized and grateful. 🌱 

Kanwal has this practice deep in her soul and you can tell with her presence and ease of how she facilitates it. I am following up with Kanwal about my experiences and I will definitely be doing more coaching sessions with her in the future. 💚.

I am grateful for her guidance!”

– Sarah Durlacher



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